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Connecting Students to Professionals

Live Show Recording

Career Spotlights

As the internet opens many doors for our students, more educators are looking to expand the boundaries of their classrooms with networked communication resources. There are many different ways that students are connecting and communicating with others from around the work through social media, email and various learning management systems and curricular web sites. It is intended that the Career Spotlight sessions will connect students to professionals that they would not normally interact with.


​My telecollaborative project is focused on connecting students to professionals and students in higher education who are working in the areas they are interested in. Early on in my career I wanted to show students in my community that being an engineer was possible for people who looked like them. I wanted to show that that they could be successful in careers other than doctors and lawyers. Unfortunately for many of the people I grew up with, they did not see examples of professionals in their families or their communities. I want to connect my students to others in industry and classrooms who are doing the things they want to do. The area of telecollaboration that I want to focus on is:

What is Missing?

In Baltimore City Schools, there is a lack of connection for students who do not have professionals in their immediate families. Having access to professionals in the industry you’re interested in could help to bridge the gap and provide life- and family changing results. Students need mentors to help them navigate the course work in high school and to provide a network when they graduate. There is not a shortage of talent in Baltimore City Schools, students just need a supportive relationship where they can learn, grow and develop into the professionals we as teachers see in them every day.
It is impossible and time consuming to have professionals come to the classroom to talk to my students. Not only would I be missing out on instructional time and behind in my scope and sequence, but the probability of that person staying the entire day to see all 7 of my class is slim. I wanted to create an opportunity using technology where students can get what they need in small doses and remain on target with their studies. This would require some time and networking but in the end, I think it could open doors for my students beyond what I could provide. In this life, it is not just knowing the material or content, it is also being in the right rooms and spaces for people to see that  you can contribute in a positive way. I hope that by providing sessions where students can have conversations with professionals, we can get them a step closer to their dreams.

Outdoors Meeting
Man Holding Laptop

Ask Your Question

Once a month, students will have a chance to submit questions to an expert in the field of business, marketing, and/or technology. Please submit this form back to your teacher

Name of iMentor:_________________________________________

Name of Company:_________________________________________

Question #1:

Question #2:

Question #3:

Thanks for submitting!

Praetorian Rx: Students Interview 

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